Posted on Sunday, March 24, 2013 by Melanie
(44:59 - 51.6 MB) |
Welcome to episode 195 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Jerry is on the road again, so we're having an ActorCast! Patrick would like to welcome special guests Auntie Vera Charles and Scott the Satyr, and the three of them will be talking about all things involved in the art and craft of acting. Meanwhile, Melanie will be planning her PR campaign for Storm Season and getting rid of any unnecessary farts.
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auntie vera,
episode 195,
scott the satyr
Posted on Saturday, March 02, 2013 by Melanie

Writing as Nicola Cameron, Melanie's new M/M paranormal erotic romance, "A Boon by Moonlight", is now available from Evernight Publishing, Amazon, All Romance Ebooks, Bookstrand, and other purveyors of fine erotic romance.
Ex-Marine Zach Mayhew is willing to do anything for his dying grandmother, even find a fairy ring and beg that she be allowed to spend her last days in Faerie. But when a gorgeous Sidhe noble demands a night in his bed in return, Zach learns that a boon asked by moonlight can have unexpected consequences for his heart.
And because she busted her ass to make the book trailer, here it is!
Posted in
A Boon by Moonlight,
erotic romance,
nicola cameron,
Posted on Saturday, March 02, 2013 by Melanie
(41:23 - 47.5 MB) |
Welcome to episode 194 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Patrick is at rehearsal, Melanie has to write a superheroine treatment for Melissa McCarthy, Jerry talks about the meteor in Russia, and our special guest Taylor the Latte Boy admits that he equates the taste of sake with someone peeing in his mouth.
Secrets of the Industry

Scrivener for writing and e-publishing
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Send us voicemail: 972-696-9485
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episode 194,
Taylor the Latte Boy,
The campaign for Latteboy day starts here