Posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 by Melanie
(30:30 - 35 MB) |
Welcome to episode 188 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Jerry may have caused problems for the Twitter Building, Patrick is baking, God help us all, and Melanie is knee-deep in NaNoWriMo and producing quality MMM menage smut.
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Posted in
episode 188
Posted on Monday, November 05, 2012 by Melanie
(38:57 - 44.7 MB) |
Welcome to episode 187 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Jerry and Patrick are unavailable, so a fresh back from Old Blighty Melanie drags Stacy on the show so that she can talk about Bath Buns, Tintagel and Mark Gatiss with someone, not realizing that she left her digital mixer on so that she sounds like she's talking through a tin can. Whee...
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Send us voicemail: 972-696-9485
Posted in
episode 187