I'm Just Explaining
Posted on Tuesday, January 06, 2009 by Melanie
Hi, there -- Melanie here, explaining why Ep. 58 isn't up yet. See, after Stacy and her horde of rampaging Visigoths rolled out of the smoldering wreckage that was my house last week, leaving a wealth of empty beer bottles, denuded Barbie dolls and what appeared to be a blow-up sheep in their wake, it took a while to find a hotel room, contract with various builders to repair the extensive damage, argue with the insurance company to fund said builders, and contact a competent lawyer to slap Stacy with a lawsuit to pay for whatever the insurance won't cover. So I've been kinda freaking busy -- nonetheless, the episode will go up tonight, I promise.
By the way, Stacy, how did you get the toilet on TOP of the roof? And where are my cats, dammit?
Those things were cats?
Anyway, how about we come down for Spring Break?
And dont worry about beer bottles...we'll just tap a keg.
Dont bother to thank me...I live to be of service!
Wheeeennn arrreee weeee goiiiin to Neeew Orrrlleeeeeaaaaanns?