When we were yungins!

Posted on Friday, August 15, 2008 by Pat Gaik

Well, it's time for more embarrassing pictures from Patrick's miss-spent youth.

Exhibit A: tank top, silk shorts, headband...sadly there was little demand for low-end rentboys in my neighborhood!

Exhibit B: Lookout, Betty Grable! I have a waist! And a tan! And those tight, tight nylon shorts and rockin' knee socks!

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  1. Melanie |

    Ah, the days when you used to shake your tight little tush around Wesleyan. How did Lisa ever think you liked the Big Montana?

  2. Anonymous |

    *sits blinking*

    They look like pix from an all boys brothel.


  3. Pat Gaik |

    All-boys brothel? I should have been so lucky...oy!


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