I had the craziest dream...
Posted on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 by Pat Gaik
...last night. Yes I did.
I was doing a production of "Hello, Dolly!" with Ms. Taffy Carlisle Huffington from Pod is my Copilot.She was, of course, fabulous!
...last night. Yes I did.
I was doing a production of "Hello, Dolly!" with Ms. Taffy Carlisle Huffington from Pod is my Copilot.She was, of course, fabulous!
Posted in A dream is a wish your heart makes. | 4 comments
Hey folks:
Episode 42 IS up and loaded, but LibSyn is having some server issues so you can't download it at the moment. Check back later today and hopefully it will be available.
Also, as I'm going to be moving this month, which will require a lot of prep work on our new house, we're going to a Wednesday-only schedule for October. Once we're in the new place and everything is copacetic, we'll be back to a twice-weekly schedule.
Posted in FYI | 0 comments
EP 42: Cue The Flashback Harp! (38:26)
Welcome to Episode 42 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Melanie does one hell of an editing job, Stacy sings "Itsy Bitsy Spider" with 17,000 spiderlings, Patrick offers blowjobs for 5-star reviews and Jerry remembers Mr. Rogers.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 42 | 0 comments
Hello. I am Sally Struthers, of the Single Sad Lonely Bastard's Fund.
We are taking this ad out on this blog to bring to your attention a situation that has not been seen on this earth since pictures of Calcutta scorched the covers of Time, Newsweek and The National Enquirer.
Yes, we're talking about Patrick's apartment.
We are trying to connect one person who wants to help, with one sad, lonely bastard who needs it. The magnitude of the world’s problems — war, natural disaster, and the associated dangers faced by millions of people — are nothing compared to the conditions this man lives in daily.
As a sponsor, you can build a personal, one-to-one relationship with your sponsored Bastard through letters, and learn about his family, community, daily life and hopes for the future.
Regular health and progress reports will show you how your sponsorship is improving the Bastard's life.
Your special gifts give your sponsored Bastard hope, nurturing and confidence. You may even visit your sponsored Bastard and see first-hand the difference your sponsorship contributions are making in his lonely hovel.
It is truly amazing how much $640 a month can do for a Bastard in need. You can give a Bastard access to healthy food, safe water and an education. And, when you sponsor a Bastard, SSLBF uses your monthly sponsorship donations, combined with donations from sponsors of other lonely Bastards in your Bastard's community, to support community wide programs and facilities that change lives and plant the seeds of self-sufficiency.
Your Bastard will learn:
* How to dial 911 for the elderly in their dinner theater
* How to successfully use a defibrillator
* CPR skills
* How to properly change and dispose of a Depends undergarment
* and much, much more.
We build schools, teach vocational skills, engage young Bastards in crucial early Bastardhood development activities, provide health care, and establish replenishable sources of Doritos and safe bottles of wine.
Won't you consider becoming a Sponsor today?
EP 41: Dinner Theater (AKA God's Waiting Room) (38:26)
Welcome to Episode 41 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Jerry is released from his bag, Melanie stalks her house, Stacy is down in the subbasement working on her newscast, and Patrick recounts the number of ambulance trips to his dinner theater in the last weekend.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 41 | 1 comments
Special Report: Jerry's Been Kidnapped!
Melanie announces a Special Report about Jerry's kidnapping by Patrick and Stacy. The Podcast Patrol has been contacted -- stay tuned.
Posted in special report 01 | 1 comments
I've just notified the Podcast Patrol. Time to lock and load.
The whole world now knows... my podcast partner, Jerry J. Davis, was kidnapped for ransom this morning. This is a recent photograph of him.
Jerry, if you're watching, we love you. And this... well, this is what waits for the people who took him. This is your ransom. Ten thousand dollars in unmarked bills, just like you wanted.
But this is as close as you'll ever get to it. You'll never see one dollar of this money, because no ransom will ever be paid for my podcasting partner. Not one dime, not one penny. Instead, I'm offering this money as a reward on your head. Dead or alive, it doesn't matter. So congratulations, you've just become a ten thousand dollar lottery ticket... except the odds are much, much better. Do you know anyone that wouldn't turn you in for ten thousand dollars? I don't think you do. I doubt it. Hell, Kathy would do it in a heartbeat.
So wherever you go and whatever you do, this money will be tracking you down for all time. And to ensure that it does, to keep interest alive, I'm taking out ad space on every major pdocast for every broadcast...for as long as it takes. But...and this is your last chance...you return Jerry alive and uninjured, I'll withdraw the bounty. With any luck you can simply disappear. Understand...you will never see this money. Not one dollar. So you still have a chance to do the right thing. If you don't, well, then, God be with you, because nobody else on this Earth will be.
P a T AN D I W A NT 10, 000 I N SM A L L, UN M A R kE D bILLZ
D O N O T C Al L A U T H O R I T i E S ! ! ! O R W E
W I L L B e GI N C u TT I NG O F F
B O D Y P A R TZ A N D S E N D I N G T H E M 2 U!
(UPS or overnight mail, Pat and I haven't decided yet)
EP 40: Snippety Snip Snip (48:51)
Welcome to Episode 40 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Patrick waxes moist about the opening night of THE ODD COUPLE, Jerry muses about the wonder that is Apple, Melanie splices together two separate recording sessions, and Stacy bitches about not being loved enough.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 40 | 7 comments
EP 39: A Touch Of Twatziki (43:18)
Welcome to Episode 39 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Stacy plans her invasion of Goodfield, Patrick is off sweating out a dress rehearsal, Jerry returns from captivity and Melanie most emphatically does NOT have a fatal yeast infection.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 39 | 2 comments
...in Philly, Boston, or a barn in the middle of the cornfields of Illi-no!
Okay, so I'm no Cole Porter.
Anyway, this is it, kids! The Big One!If anyone has a spare moment at 8:00 PM CST tonight, send a positive thought my way! We had a very good final dress last night - my co-star was on fire! Now I have to try to match him!
Posted in There's No Business Like Show Business | 2 comments
EP 38: This One's A Train Wreck (35:15)
Welcome to Episode 38 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Melanie gets a training razor, Stacy becomes the Evita Peron of Podcasting, Patrick has to clean the stage while remembering his lines and Jerry sleeps off some cold meds.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 38 | 4 comments
Welcome to Episode 37 of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where Jerry is off caring for his love, Melanie shows pictures of her pony act, Stacy leaks just a little bit, Patrick loses the love of his life to some guy with a shopping cart and Special Guest Host Nessa explains why she can't understand her husband's grandfather.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 37 | 5 comments
I'd like to give a big shout out to British John for the wonderful compliments he gave us on the last podcast...and to let him know that his check is in the mail!!
I'd like to thank DQ Rick for explaining to me the difference between a Fairy Princess and a Fairy Godmother. I'm certain I will be making many faux pas ( I don't think I spelled that right) early and often so please feel free to keep letting me know, OK?
Posted in Stacy | 3 comments
EP 36a: The Single Sad Bastard... (26:37)
Welcome to Episode 36b of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where we launch Part Two of the Single Sad Bastard Bake Sale and Telethon in hopes of finding Patrick a love toy. Listen as Stacy tries not to drip blood on the floor while interviewing potential candidates, and Melanie and Patrick play voicemail from DQ Rick, the Dairy Fairy. We wrap up this Labor Day episode with an exclusive report from our Foreign Correspondent, somewhere in Jurassic Park.
And now let us introduce Patrick's Perfect Man -- Fred Hogtrim!
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 36b | 1 comments
EP 36a: The Single Sad Bastard... (33:24)
Welcome to Episode 36a of "Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast!" where we launch the first annual Single Sad Bastard Bake Sale and Telethon in hopes of finding Patrick a love toy. Listen as Stacy trawls WalMart and the local Jewel for Patrick's Perfect Man, while Melanie and Patrick perform a musical interlude and promote Taffy/Taylor '08.
Pre-telethon, Patrick and Stacy model their new frocks.
Send us email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Call us on our listener line: 206-666-4187
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks (http://www.myspace.com/comebacks) for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Posted in episode 36a | 3 comments
Call: 1-972-696-9485
Email: dqydjpodcast@gmail.com
Thanks to Sweet Diss and the Comebacks for permission to use clips from "Dunder and Dwightning" as our theme music. Go buy their stuff, people!
Copyright © 2014 Don't Quit Your Day Job: The Podcast | Designed by Nicola D Trento and Jacky Supit